Roncaglia, I. (2022) ‘Dancers’ centred approach to performance psychology support and flourishing in an international ballet company: A retrospective practitioner’s evaluation’ ICPCE Conference 29-30 October. Accessed here: 

Roncaglia, I. (2022) ‘Careers transitions in professional dancers: How to flourish and thrive post-COVID-19 times’ICPCE Conference 29-30 October. Accessed here: 

Roncaglia, I. (2019) ‘Transdisciplinary Embedded Approaches: Single-Case Design through the Lenses of a Well-being Model PERMA’ Poster Presentation Autism Congress Nice, 13-15 September.

Roncaglia, I. (2019) ‘Dealing with behaviour of concern in the classroom’ Autism Show Birmingham, 21-23 June.

Roncaglia, I. (2017) ‘ Mental Health in Dance: Self-Care and Health-Care’ Panel discussion One Dance UK International Conference, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, London UK (26 November).

Roncaglia. I. (2017) ‘Resilience/Mental Agility: Preparation for the Profession’ Presentation One Dance UK International Conference, Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance, London, UK (26 Nov 2017).

Nurturing a Successful Retirement

Roncaglia, I. (2009) ‘Nurturing a Successful Retirement in Ballet Dancers’ Paper presentation at International Conference for Qualitative Research in Sp&Ex Psychology, London, 12 June 2009.

Roncaglia, I. (2005) ‘The Retirement Transition in Ballet Dancers: A multi-element model’ Paper will be presented at the 20th Annual Conference of PsyPAG, Exeter, July 2005.

Roncaglia, I. (2004) ‘The Retirement Process: A Developmental Phase in the Life Course of Ballet Dancers’ Paper presented at the BPS Consciousness & Experiential Section Annual Conference- ‘Science, Self & Meaning’ September, 2004.

Roncaglia, I. (2002) ‘Impact of Retirement in Ballet Dancers’ Paper presented at the Research Postgraduate Workshop, University of London, Birkbeck.

Roncaglia, I. (2001) ‘The Meaning of Retirement in Ballet Dancers and how this might affect their Self-Identity’ Paper presented at the BPS Century Conference, Glasgow, 2001.

Roncaglia, I. (2000) ‘Eat for Your Feet’ Paper presented at the BPS Annual Conference in Winchester, 2000